We continue with our series on the Wilson and associated families of Sutherland, North Carolina. Thanks once more to cousin Shirley Sorrell for making available these marvelous photographs from 1935 of the John and Rebecca Wilson family reunion in Sutherland, North Carolina.
In 1935, the United States struggled to escape the Great Depression. Ashe County historian, Arthur Lloyd Fletcher, states that the sheriff reported in 1932 to the County Board of Supervisors that enforcing the property tax law would result in foreclosure of more than half the homes in Ashe county! Such were the economic challenges of our ancestors in those difficult times.
Shirley has identified the ten surviving children below. John Wilson, born 1855, died in 1928. His parents are Isaac (1822-1864) and Caroline Greer Wilson (1828-1911).
The Rebecca and John Wilson Descendants Family Reunion 1935
Above, front row in the summer of 1935: Ruth Wilson Hurt (1903-1999) , Bessie Wilson Wilson (1887-1976), Rebecca Wilson Wilson (1862-1954), and Conley Wilson (1882-1957). Back row: Preston (1900-1989), Robert (1906-1987), Cal (1898-1999) , Margaret (1894-1992), Mayme (1892-1975), Minnie (1896-1987) and Don (1890-1975).
Four children died in infancy or childhood, Nora (1881-1887), Edgar (1883-1885), Boyd (1885) and Nancy (1912).
Above, from the same reunion, we have this picture of several generations. Shirley has made it easy for us to identify our ancestors. Below is a numbered photograph and then under it, are numbers and names.
1. Roger Donnelly, son of Mayme Wilson and Earl Donnelly
2. Meridith Duncan, son of Bower and Margaret (Maggie) Wilson Duncan
3. Robert Wilson, son of Boyd and Lexie Wilson
4. Emojean Wilson Suggs, daughter of Ruth Kilby and Preston Wilson
5. Ruthel Wilson Merritt, daughter of Preston Wilson
6. Mary Wilson, daughter of Olive and Oscar Wilson, son of Ellen and Robert Wilson
7. Shirley Hurt Brand, daughter of Ruth Wilson and Shirley Hurt
8. Irene Wilson, daughter of Olive and Oscar Wilson, son of Ellen and Robert Wilson
9. Worth Wilson, son of Olive and Oscar Wilson, son of Ellen and Robert Wilson
10. Alice Wilson, mother to Arlie Wilson, husband of Bessie Wilson
11. Rebecca Wilson Igneizi, only daughter of Cal Wilson and William Wilson
12. Rebecca Wilson Wilson (b 1862), wife to John (1855-1928), sister to Ellen Wilson
13. Rebecca Hurt Johnson, daughter of Ruth Wilson and Shirley Hurt
14. Ellen Wilson Wilson, wife of Robert and sister to Rebecca Wilson Wilson
15. Virginia Hurt Breeden, daughter of Ruth Wilson and Shirley Hurt
16. Geraldine Wilson, daughter of Preston Wilson
17. Ernest Wilson, son of Bessie and Arlie Wilson
18. Olive Kilby Wilson, wife of Oscar Wilson, son of Ellen and Robert Wilson
19. Maude 'Tincey' Williams Wilson, wife of Clyde Wilson
20. Don Wilson, son of John (b 1855)
21. Conley Wilson, son of John (b 1855)
22. Shirley Hurt, husband to Ruth Wilson Hurt
23. Rebecca Donnelly Sutherland, daughter of Mayme Wilson (b 1892) and Earl Donnelly
24. Grace Donnelly Wilson, wife to Argus Wilson, son of Conley
25. Betty Wilson Elmore, daughter to Argus and Grace Wilson (baby in Grace's arms)
26. Ruth Wilson Hurt, daughter of John (b 1855)
27. Lexie Lawrence Wilson, wife to Boyd Wilson, son of Bessie and Arlie Wilson
28.Gloria Wilson Heimburger, daughter of Boyd and Lexie Wilson
29. Shirley Hurt, husband to Ruth Wilson
30. Boyd Wilson, son of Bessie and Arlie Wilson
31. Chall Wilson, husband to Minnie Wilson, daughter of John (b 1855)
32. William Wilson, husband to Cal Wilson
33. Arlie Wilson, husband to Bessie Wilson
34. Ruth Kilby Wilson, wife of Preston Wilson, son of John (b 1855)
35. Clyde Wilson, son of Bessie and Arlie Wilson
36. Oscar Wilson, son of Ellen and Robert Wilson (b 1860)
37. Bessie Wilson, daughter of John (1855)
38. Unidentified blond boy
39. Cal Wilson, daughter of John (1855)
40. Preston Wilson, son of Rebecca and John (1855)
41. Argus Wilson, son of Conley
42. Bower Duncan, husband of Margaret (Maggie) Wilson
43. Deronda Donnelly, son of Mayme Wilson Donnelly
44. Earl Donnelly, husband to Mayme Wilson
45. Shirley Ann Marsh (b 6/15/1935), daughter of Marie Wilson (Conley's daughter) and Don Marsh
If one discovers any discrepancies in the above, please let us know. One of the positive features of a blog is one can go back and change, add or subtract copy.
Next posting yet more reunion photographs from the John Wilson family of Ashe County, North Carolina....
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