
From the Scrapbook of Shirley Sorrell 2

by Glenn N. Holliman

We continue sharing photographs from Shirley Sorrell's collection of the family of John and Rebecca Wilson of Ashe County, North Carolina.  John and Rebecca are Shirley's great grandparents.

Below, ca 1900 Shirley Sorrell's great grandmother, Rebecca Wilson, modeled a more-than-modest hat.  Even though she lived isolated in the mountains adjacent to the Tennessee line in Sutherland, North Carolina, she stayed in fashion!

Below Rebecca, again ca 1900, multi-tasks, holding a child, riding a horse and mounts on her head another fashionable chapeau.  Note the young colt beside her.
Above, in 1900 ca, this formal photograph of the Wilson girls, all dressed in white, was taken.  Back left to right are Margaret and Mayme. Front are Callie, Ruth and Minnie  Wilson, children of John and Rebecca Wilson.
 Below, Rebecca's sister-in-law Frances Caroline Wilson Osborne (this writer's great grandmother) recorded in her diary in March 1919 - "Charles Osborn (to Shirley Sorrell he was always Uncle Chall) and wife Minie ate diner hear on ther way to oragan.” 

Frankie (1852-1940), poorly educated in Ashe County before and during the Civil War, wrote as she spoke. Evidently Charles, a great-nephew of Frankie's husband, G.W. Osborne, and Minnie (the girl on the front row to the right of the baby pictured above), were moving to Oregon as had other Wilson and Osborne relatives in the 1910s and 1920s. Frankie lived in Bristol, Tennessee from 1917-1940, and two of her sons also migrated west in the 1920s. Photo from the collection of the writer.

More information on the relationships of Greers, Wilsons, Osbornes, Stansberys and others can be found at this writer's Ancestry.com site. Please write glennhistory@gmail.com for access or to add information. 



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