
When We Were Greers, Part XXII

Searching for the Griersons of Scotland
by Glenn N. Holliman

In June 2011, I spent a day visiting archives and libraries in Dumfries, Scotland researching the history of the area and the Grierson and Maxwell families.  One place I sought out was the Dumfries Centre (see photo below).  There and at the local history room of the city library, I gathered more information on our once-prominent families.

No, the below photo is the Archives building.  Note the arrow behind the lamp post which points across the street to the Robert Burn's domicile.  It is difficult to see.

Yes, Robert Burns, the famous Scottish poet lived across from the archives in this building.  He was an excise tax collector until his early death due to heart disease.  He died in 1791, age 37, and alas, is no relation to our Scottish ancestors.  Althought, ahem, he did father several children out of wedlock....interesting fellow.

Below, just down the street is St. Michael's Church where Robert Burns is buried.  A statue of his long suffering wife, Jean Armour,  stands on the corner facing the rust colored edifice. She bore him nine children.

When you read the poetry of Robert Burns you are reading a time when our ancestors lived in the lowlands of Scotland!

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