
The Parents of Frances Wilson Osborne

Troubled Times
by Glenn N. Holliman

Photographed below are Caroline Greer Wilson (1828 - 1911) and her husband, Isaac Wilson (1822 - 1864), the parents of Frankie Wilson Osborne. The couple married in Ashe Co., NC in 1849.

Isaac Wilson was a successful trader and farmer, owning several hundred acres of timber, pasture and cultivated fields nestled along the Tennessee and North Carolina borders. The elevation of the farm is over 3,000 feet and surrounded by tall mountains. When the Civil War broke out in Ashe County, North Carolina, he sided with the South and became a lieutenant in the Confederate Army. At this writing we know little of his service record.

In the early 1860s law and order broke down in an Appalachian society where cousin fought cousin. Ironically, the Wilsons owned no slaves although Caroline was a fierce Confederate.

The disorder of the times resulted in a type of guerrilla warfare, neighbor against neighbor. On June 16, 1864, my great-great grandfather became a victim when several of his neighbors shot him from ambush in the back while he was plowing his corn field. He died within a few hours. A vicious circle of revenge began that produced additional widows. It was an ugly time, and many years were needed for passions to subside.

My great-grandmother, who was with her father when the shooting occurred, told the story to my mother, Geraldine Stansbery Holliman Feick, who shared it with me when I was growing up in the 1950s. Only in the first decade of the 21st century did I discover this story on the internet and the book, Neighbor to Neighbor by my great-great uncle William A. Wilson.

Isaac's wife, Caroline, was 36 years old and left with 8 children, all 14 or younger. With help from family and children, she harvested the corn crop that summer and many seasons thereafter. On several occasions in 1864 her home was invaded and ransacked by Union sympathizers. Once she encountered Federal cavalry who were ready to confiscate her horse, when a cousin in the Union patrol vouched for her. She escaped without injury and with her animal.

Obviously, a strong and vibrant woman, she lived until 1911, dying from complications of a broken hip. She and her husband are buried in Wilson Cemetery in Oscar Wilson Cove near Sutherland, North Carolina in Ashe County.

In 2009, my mother, my sister Rebecca Holliman Payne and nephew Sean Murphy visited the cemetery. At the entrance to the Cove is a general store kept by some distant cousins, the Boyds, descendants of the Wilsons. The younger Boyd told us of how Caroline hid the family pewter in a hole in the nearby creek to keep the valuables from the Union Army. Such is our family story....

Next posting, more tales of our Wilson/Osborne ancestors....


A Book About Our Family

by Glenn N. Holliman

In 2007, The Center for Appalachian studies at Appalachian State University in Boonesboro, North Carolina (a town named after one of our ancestors) published an 180 page book entitled Neighbor to Neighbor. The volume is about the family of Frances Wilson Osborne, my generation's great grandmother. Edited by Sandra L. Ballard and Leila E. Weinstein, most of the paper back is a memoir by my generation's great, great uncle The Rev. William A. Wilson (1861 - 1951). His photo (right) and family are on the cover.

Born in Wilson Cove, near Sutherland, Ashe County, North Carolina, William was the last of eight children born to Isaac Wilson and Caroline Greer Wilson. He was the best educated of the children, having graduated from Trinity College (now known as Duke). Raised a Southern Methodist, he was ordained a pastor in that denomination.

In 1890, he accepted a call as a missionary to Japan, and spent the next forty one years mainly in the Hiroshima district. Every ten years he was granted a paid furlough. In his first decade in Japan, he met and married Mary Amelia McClellan, another Southern Methodist missionary. They were to have four children.

In the work Neighbor to Neighbor, Will shares his memories of growing up in the Western North Carolina mountains near Boone, NC to the south east, and Mountain City, Tennessee to the west. He collected stories and tales from his mother and siblings, and in his old age gathered them up in a memoir that remained unpublished in book format until recently.

Of particular interest is the story of the 'bush whacking' and murder of my generation's great, great grand father, Confederate Lt. Isaac Wilson in June 1864 while he was plowing his corn. My generation's great grandmother, Frankie Wilson Osborne, was with him when bullets fired from ambush took his life. Great great grandfather Isaac is buried in the Wilson Cemetery in Oscar Wilson Cove. His son, the Rev. William A. Wilson, the author of the poignant memoir, lies near him.

Neighbor to Neighbor can be ordered from the Appalachian State University bookshop. If they are out of the work, please contact Sandra Ballard, editor of the Appalachian Journal. The volume contains several photographs of Frankie Wilson Osborne and information on both her and G.W. Osborne, Jr., her husband and my great grandfather.

Will tells a story of an America that my grandchildren would not recognize. If you want your children to understand the violence and tragedy of the Civil War, have them read this book. Our immediate ancestors lived and suffered in a manner we can scarce imagine in the 21st century.

Next post, more on our Appalachian Mountain roots....


Reaching Out to Many Branches of the Osborne/Wilson Tree

by Glenn N. Holliman

Those of you reading this posting are descendants of Frances Wilson Osborne (1851 - 1940) and George Washington Osborne, Jr. (1846 - 1927). The ancestors of this couple braved the North Atlantic to come to the New World. Some of these persons, our great grandparents, uncles and aunts, became the most famous frontier men and women in American history. Many were pioneers who fought Native Americans, later the British and Tories, and finally each other in a Civil War that took the lives of many of our direct ancestors.

The descendants and ancestors of this couple go by the names of Osborne, Wilson, Greer, Wilcoxson, Brown, Boone, Morris, Wright, Adema, Noeltner, Aker, Sherwood, MacKenzie, Hayes, Holliman, Stansbery, Payne, Murphy, Hensley and Jahn. No doubt more can be added.

By using this blog site articles and photos can be archived and available to all family members. Your comments, articles, family trees, corrections, photographs, diaries and old letters are most welcome. In this format I, you and loved ones can hand off our family stories to the future. I invite all to join. My email address is Glennholliman@Embarqmail.com.

Frankie Osborne, as my generation's great grandmother is known, was born deep in the Appalachian Mountains of Ashe County, North Carolina. Millard Fillmore was president of the United States when she entered this world, and Franklin D. Roosevelt when she died. She lived through and during four major wars including the one that most affected her life, the American Civil War (1861-1865).

This triple photo display of George Washington Osborne, Jr is in an album passed down from Mayme Osborne (one of G.W.'s two daughters) to Louise Stansbery Sherwood and her sister, Geraldine Stansbery Holliman Feick. G.W. appears to be in his 50s which would date these pictures in the 1890s.

Frankie's father and several cousins died in that war, and her husband to be, George Washington Osborne, Jr. was wounded twice. If G.W. (as he was known) had not encountered a nasty knife thrust into his side from a Union sympathizer, he and Frankie might not have met and married. She was 14 when G.W. came to her house, deep in Wilson Cove near Trade, Tennessee, to recuperate from his injury.

Frankie nursed the 19 year old G.W., and in January 1867, when she was all of 15 1/2 years, they married. That marriage lasted until G.W.'s death in June 1927 in Bristol, Tennessee. Six sons and two daughters grew to maturity from this couple.